Sunday, 6 August 2023

Steps to a Hero (end of the campaign)

Do you want fantasy characters who have deep ties to their world? Backstory that directly affects mechanical traits? A fun, fast, unique character creation minigame?

We're down to the last 24 hours of the Kickstarter campaign for Steps To A Hero. It's the 125+ page book implementing a lifepath character generation system designed for compatibility with D&D 5e!

Thanks to everyone who's already supported the project!

Book preview pages

What's a lifepath?

A lifepath is a unique tool for producing a roleplaying game character, beginning them early in life and setting them down a path to become the person that the player will begin the game with. It tells a story about how a character came about, replacing the common process of generating race, background, ability scores, and other traits.

A lifepath is a process of discovery, and each step on the path is an event, decision, or encounter which will reveal things about your character – generating both backstory and game-mechanical traits as you go. Everything in the book is streamlined for 5e, overriding or complementing parts of the base game.

What's in the book?

In Steps to a Hero, you’ll find

  • Everything you need to develop characters with lifepaths for fifth-edition fantasy roleplaying
  • 300 unique lifepath 'steps', each one combining a piece of weird/medieval fantasy short fiction and corresponding character traits
  • A comprehensive set of rules describing the lifepath process, plus optional rules for tweaking character generation
  • A ton of 5e game content including hundreds of new background features, and methods to make many millions of possible stories and backgrounds
  • Support for 12 ancestries, including all the classics, plus half-djinni, half-minotaur, half-dryad, and shorewalker
Discover the remarkable story of each character’s early life, and determine how those experiences gave them the unique abilities and traits in their background.
A journey of a thousand miles begins with a single step. Venture forth!

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