Thursday, 29 September 2022

Hello, World: An Introduction to Periapt Games

    Who are Periapt Games?

We're a tiny team of TTRPG designers from Auckland, New Zealand. We write, edit, and make art for table-top role-playing games.

    What is a periapt?

It's an old word for a charm or talisman meant to bestow supernatural luck. We think it's a neat word and reflects our fantasy focus.

    What is the point of Periapt Games?

It's the logical extension of a longstanding love affair with table-top role-playing games. It's an instantiation of our desire to have available the kind of resources that we want for our own games. It's a process of putting things in and seeing what we get out.

It's currently an experiment in commercial viability. More than a hundred people were interested enough in the first game resource we produced to download it as pay-what-you-want in our first month. We think that's promising.

    Does Periapt Games follow a design philosophy?

Yeah. Enjoy making good stuff that people want. This means three things.

First, make things that we'd be interested in ourselves (as GMs or players). The classics are the classics for a reason, but also try things out. Make stuff that other people aren't making.

Second, get it right the first time instead of going back to update and tinker. In a crowded marketplace, it's actually okay to let perfect be the enemy of good. Just as long as we don't let perfect be the enemy of great.

Third, have fun doing it. So far, this has been very easy.

    Where do you publish?

Over here, on DriveThruRPG! You can also find us on Twitter here.

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