Tuesday, 6 December 2022

Quotes From An Upcoming Project

We're working on a little project based on late-Medieval and Renaissance writings.

Some choice quotes:

  • "Make ready the ballistas, catapults, and other such warlike engines"
  • "A true rogue makes a filth-tart of garlic, assafoetida, castoreum, dogs' turds, and pus, to anoint a meeting-place in such sort that the devil could not have endured it"
  • "Thigh-bones squattered all to pieces"
  • "An Apology From Those Who Alleged That the High Priest's Mule Doth Eat But at Set Times"
  • "Sixteen otters' skins for the gloves, and three skins of the loupgarous, or men-eating wolves, for their bordering"
  • "Forerunner of baboons"
  • "Offer the sailors a shave and a little bloodletting"
  • "Couple three foxes in yoke, plough the sea-shore, and grow wheat"
  • "Apply fish roe to the patient's body"

Look for it coming up later this month at Periapt Games!

Quality and Quantity of Player Choices

Just some brief design musings. Player choices are perhaps the most important component of TTRPG play. They're certainly one of the very...